Canvas Prints

Canvas Prints

Not all canvases are created equal! 

We provide exceptional print quality on a choice of two beautifully textured canvas substrates.
Fine Art: Cotton-polyester canvas; Fine Art inkjet printing; museum grade lacquer (lustre finish, protects against moisture, abrasion and UV damage).

Standard: Cotton-polyester canvas; long-life latex inkjet printing; museum grade lacquer as above.

Our canvas prints are presented on a sturdy 1-1/4” (32mm) stretcher frame, with hanging hardware already attached.
The printed canvas is wrapped around the edges of the frame. 
Available in sizes up to a spectacular 60x40 inches (152x102cm). Custom sizes are available.

Think big! Some like small and intimate. Some like canvas groupings. But nothing looks quite as magnificent as a large statement piece on the wall!

